The Janesville Art League is open to anyone with a desire to support the arts and have art enhance their lives.

The Janesville Art LeagueThe Janesvile Art League (JAL) exists to preserve its history, the gallery, and permanent art collection, as well as to share and encourage artistic creativity and appreciation of all forms of visual arts. The JAL involves the community through art shows, exhibits, educational programs, scholarships, trips, and fellowships.

Meetings are held monthly at the Janesville Woman’s Club Building from September through May on the third Thursday of the month, with programs and speakers devoted to art interest, appreciation and recognition of artists.  The Art League’s Collection is housed in the gallery on the second floor of the Woman’s Club Building.

Our purposes are to further community interest in art, develop appreciation and recognition of artists, and to view, study, display, collect and conserve art works. The club is open to anyone with a desire to support the arts, and have art enhance their lives. The club maintains a rotating display of members’ art work in the multi-purpose room at the Janesville Performing Arts Center.

JAL encourages interest in the arts within the community. JAL strives to develop appreciation and recognition of artists. JAL collects, displays, and conserves works of art and educates the community about art in our lives.

Board of Directors

  • President – Julie Dieterle
  • 1st Vice Presidents – Kathy Burdick
  • 2nd Vice President/Membership – Barb Tapovatz
  • Historian – Clarice Chicks
  • Secretary – Dava Dahlgran
  • Treasurer – Maureen Thornton
  • Curators – Nancy Belle Douglas, Kay Jelinek, Jan Hoopes, Alicia Reed
  • Past President – Arra Lasse and Elaine Wood

logo-janesville-art-leagueJanesville Art League Resources